Category: UGLE

Freemasons in Leicester are represented by HRH The Duke of Kent. His Royal Highness was elected as Grand Master in 1967, and installed on 14 June that year. This took place during UGLE’s 250th anniversary celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall. Being re-elected every year, The Duke of Kent is now UGLE‘s longest serving Grand Master.

Prince Edward George Nicholas Paul Patrick was born in 1935, and educated at Eton and Le Rosey, Switzerland.

He is a cousin both of the Queen and of the Duke of Edinburgh. His father, who was Grand Master from 1939 until 1942, was the fourth son of King George V. His mother, Princess Marina, was the daughter of Prince Nicholas of Greece.

As the Grand Master is a Prince of the Blood Royal – a member of the Royal Family. He may appoint a Pro Grand Master to be his principal adviser. This is to act for him on those occasions when, due to royal engagements, he is unable to be present.

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