Freemasonry is one of the largest charitable givers in the country. Masons contributed £42m to deserving causes in 2019 alone. Freemasons do not only donate money, more than 18.5 million hours of volunteer work was undertaken by Freemasons in 2018.

national masonic charity

Freemasons in Leicestershire and Rutland support the central charity the Masonic Charitable Foundation.

The Masonic Charitable Foundation provides a wide range of grants to Freemasons and families. Typically it is those who have a financial, health and care or family need. The Foundation also awards grants to other charities, medical research studies and disaster relief appeals. Funded entirely through the generous donations of the Masonic community, the Foundation has an annual charitable expenditure which places it amongst the largest charities in the country. The Foundation is financially strong, well-resourced and able to respond to changing needs. 

charitable grants

The Masonic Charitable Foundation looks beyond Freemasonry. The MCF make significant financial grants to charities which help people to live happy, fulfilling lives and to participate actively in society.

Through the Masonic Charitable Foundation, Freemasons have provided support amounting to around £130 million to charities across England and Wales and overseas in recent years.

The grants made seek to benefit as many people as possible. These grants further those causes about which Freemasons and their families are most concerned. The charities and research supported make a significant, lasting difference to thousands of people.

To contact the Masonic Charitable Foundation:
Masonic Charitable Foundation, Charity No. 1164703, Company No. 09751836, Email:
Address: Freemasons’ Hall, 60 Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5AZ

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