Category: Lodge

Ever since the easing of lockdown restrictions lodges around the country have gradually been getting back to normal as members gather in larger groups, slowly but surely.

Granite Lodge Freemasons

Monday 7th March 2022 at Freemasons Hall in Leicester Granite Lodge took the opportunity to have a photograph taken. This is the first time in a while some of the members have been together.

Only meeting eight times a year, it is not always possible to gather together as a lodge, so on this occasion we took the opportunity of doing so to preserve the “return to lodge” after the pandemic in our history books.

The Grand Secretary of the United Grand Lodge of England, Dr. David Staples appeared on BBC News to pay tribute to the life of Fellow Freemason HRH Prince Philip.

We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. We pass on our sincerest condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and the rest of the Royal Family at this difficult time.

The Duke of Edinburgh passed away on Friday 9th April 2021.

Further information on the role of HRH Prince Philip and Freemasonry is available through our contact form.

Lifelites is the charity which gives life-limited and disabled children using hospice services the chance to play, be creative, control something for themselves and communicate. All through the magic of assistive technology.

The charity has recently received a donation of £2,000 from Leicester Freemasons to assist with the supply of assistive technology.

Simone Enefer-Doy of Lifelites said, “Lifelites is delighted to have received a donation from the Freemasons. Their recognition of Lifelites’ work and its donation allow us to continue donating assistive technology for life-limited and disabled children using Rainbows children’s hospice. It is only thanks to our supporters that Lifelites can donate magical technology that makes the impossible, possible.  Enabling these children to communicate, play, and control something for themselves. We are incredibly grateful.”

Thanks to the Lifelites technologies, care is no longer restricted to hospice buildings. Hospice staff can reach out via video calls to families and children in their own homes with our iPads.  The iPads, Eyegaze and other entertainments and communications technology are so portable too. So whenever they are able to visit the children at home, hospice staff can take it with them.  Now children can enjoy the sights and sounds in a world of make believe safe in a haven of light-weight and easily transported PODs.

Peter Kinder, the head of Leicestershire & Rutland Freemasons said. “We are a long standing supporter of the wonderful work the Lifelites team do, and the joy they bring to children who are facing life limiting challenges.”

Leicester Freemasons gift to charity
Pictured: Noah, using a specially adapted Lifelites iPad.

Freemasons in Leicester are open for business and looking for new members to join Granite Lodge. Exciting opportunities have arisen for anyone wishing to expand their friendship and social circles in a Masonic Lodge.

The Lodge has been planning its future. During the pandemic, Freemasonry was forced to pause, giving ample time for planning. By returning to business this year, the Lodge is looking for new members.

Firstly, Granite Lodge meet on the first Monday of the month, October through to May. With a waiting list already building, now is the right time to apply. Just follow this link. Alternatively, if you just want more information, please get in touch.

By joining the Leicester Freemasons, new members can expect to enjoy membership, for instance through integrity, respect, friendship, and charity.

One of the oldest Masonic Lodges in Leicester, Granite Lodge began life in 1884, the same year as Leicester City FC. In 1984 the Masonic Lodge celebrated one hundred years, in 2034 the 150 year celerations will begin.

Leicester Freemasons meet on London Road in the city. In conclusion, being part of this history is one of the benefits of membership.

Leicester Freemasons meeting at the Masonic Lodge for Leicestershire masons.
The Square and Compass of Freemasonry

Granite Lodges‘ secretary Richard Barnett is proud to be a member of the Lodge of Research. Freemasonry within Leicestershire is the key focus of the Lodge.

Behind a panel in a storeroom at Loughborough Masonic Hall, a hoard of Masonic artefacts were discovered. Frederick Fleemans’ handwritten lectures by were discovered in the hoard. Fleeman had been Master of Howe and Charnwood Lodge, No.1007, in 1916. Also founder and Primus Master of Beacon Lodge, No.5208, in 1930 and Master of The Lodge of Research, in 1940.

The earliest paper was written in 1911 and delivered to the Howe and Charnwood Lodge of Instruction in February 1911. The last was his Inaugural Address to the Lodge of Research just three months before his death.

The majority of these papers have never been printed. Indeed the 1939 History of Howe and Charnwood Lodge was only known to have existed from the Lodge Minute Book. His paper on the Rancliffe Lodge, No.608, was dedicated to the development of the chapter in his 1919. Because they were lost, this book on Freemasonry in Loughborough, was not known to exist.

The Lodge of Research website brings together all papers he wrote in an e-book. These include some fascinating facts. His histories of the early days of Freemasonry in Loughborough are of great interest. These nclude a reference which shows an interesting direct family link. This link is between one member of the Craft, a previous Provincial Grand Master of Leicestershire, and H. M. Queen Elizabeth ll.

Picture: Frederick Fleeman

Members of the Lodge attended Freemasons’ Hall on Saturday 14th March to assist with the Side Orders Breakfast. Freemasons were shown the intricacies of the Rose Croix and Red Cross of Constantine Orders.

The White Ribbon Club is Leicestershire & Rutland’s club for newer Royal Arch Masons. They teamed up with the Light Blue Club to invite interested members to a presentation. The presentation was of the Royal Arch, Rose Croix and Red Cross of Constantine Orders.

The morning was very well attended. Over twenty-five interested brethren took their seats for an interesting and informal presentation of the Orders. First at the podium was Richard Barnett, to welcome everyone to Freemasons’ Hall Leicester. He proceeded to introduce the main speakers to the audience.

Ancient & Accepted Rite

The head of the Ancient & Accepted Rite Rose Croix, Inspector General Henry Kukiewicz then took the stage. He gave an excellent account of the Rose Croix degree, from where the Order originated from, to how to join. Volunteers helped Henry display the different types of regalia. This included past and present regalia worn in the Order.

Side Orders Breakfast Freemaasons Hall Leicester

Red Cross of Constantine

Next to the podium was the Head of the Red Cross of Constantine, Intendent General John Manby. John gave a detailed description of the founding of the Order, its structure and place within Freemasonry. The audeince helped out to demonstrate the regalia of the Order and its significance. As a result, the audince better understood the Order.

The audience then asked questions, which showed a keen interest from for more information.

Because of the interest, the Provincial Grand Master, Peter Kinder, took to the stage. The Deputy Grand Superintendent of Royal Arch Masons, Paul Wallace also took questions.

Afterwards, everyone adjourned to the dining room to enjoy a full English breakfast, where the conversations continued until lunchtime.

The Chairman of the WRC and organiser Samuel Harris thanked all of the speakers for giving up their time.

Gayton C. Taylor, the Master of Granite Lodge in 1962 after joining the Lodge in 1947, took part in a memorable photograph as five Provincial Grand Masters of Leicestershire & Rutland gathered at the Devonshire Court Care Home in Oadby. 

Devonshire Court, the Masonic Care Home in Oadby, Leicester, was the centre of attention just before Christmas, as one of the residents, R.W.Bro. Gayton C. Taylor, Provincial Grand Master of Leicestershire & Rutland between 1978 and 1989, was visited by four of the Provinces’ past and present Provincial Grand Masters.

The sun was shining as the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Peter C Kinder was joined by R.W.Bro. David V. Hagger (PGM 2010 – 2019), R.W.Bro. Michael H. Roalfe (PGM 2002 – 2010), and R.W.Bro. Derek A. Buswell (PGM 1989 – 2002) to pay a visit to R.W.Bro. Gayton.  At 97 years old, R.W.Bro. Gayton was in a jovial mood and extremely pleased to see his friends visit him all at the same time. 


Having organised the visit, the Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Peter said, “What a delight to see Gayton looking so well, and what a special treat for all of us to have the opportunity of gathering together to celebrate the last forty-two years of guiding the Province of Leicestershire & Rutland Freemasons”.


Pictured from left to right:  R.W.Bro. Michael H. Roalfe (PGM 2002 – 2010), R.W.Bro. Peter C Kinder (Provincial Grand Master),  R.W.Bro. Gayton C. Taylor (PGM 1978 – 1989), R.W.Bro. David V. Hagger (PGM 2010 – 2019), R.W.Bro. Derek A. Buswell (PGM 1989 – 2002)

At the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, held on Friday 29th November 2019, three members of Granite Lodge were present to receive much deserved promotions.

The meeting was held in two halves, the first was the installation of a new Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Peter C. Kinder who presides over the counties of Leicestershire and Rutland.

The second part of the day was dedicated to installation of the team who will assist the Provincial Grand Master for the coming year.  From Granite Lodge, it was a bumper day as we were honoured with one first appointment to active rank, and two promotions to past rank.

In the team of active officers for the coming year, is W.Bro. Stuart Larkins who received his first appointment to Provincial Grand Lodge as Provincial Grand Pursuivant.  Stuart took his position within the Lodge in order to help the Provincial Grand Master close the Lodge in order to continue the enjoyment late into the night.

Also receiving promotions within Provincial Grand were W.Bro. Ian Phillips, who was promoted to Past Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works, and W.Bro. Richard Barnett to Past Provincial Senior Grand Deacon.

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